Modules used: B1, B2 – Science City – 2012

This is a standardized version of the original case analysis number 5. Specific names and locations have been substituted from the original document number 5 with generic references in order to preserve the anonymity of every participant.

In case you would like to read the original document, please contact


Regional aspects of science communication represent a potential asset and as such are quite suitable topic for further examination with respect to future social and economic development in this city based on the city’s main development strategies. Closer analysis of SCIP aspects at regional level can present a suitable complement for development of suitable measures and projects of the regional innovation and education policies. This study focuses on research questions related to regional dimension of science communication, its impacts and suitable tools. Document analysis and questionnaire distributed among selected experts were chosen as tools for elaboration of the study.

Results suggest that regional dimension of science communication policy and initiatives (SCIP) are a relevant one in case of this city. However, the attention given to this topic by national and regional authorities is unsatisfactory resulting in lack of co-ordination of activities of the respective stakeholders. Impacts of SCIP, as far as causality can be identified, lie in encouraging young people in their interest in science, increasing awareness of general public in science-related issues and explaining role of science in society and problems that science (as a sector) is facing. To maximise effects of science communication there is a space for national and regional authorities to play an integrating role. Given the concentration of SCIP actors, the city could aspire to develop its science communication policy in order to promote itself as a European centre of science.


Regional aspects of science communication represent a potential asset and as such are quite suitable topic for further examination with respect to future social and economic development in this city. Science Communication Initiatives and Policies (SCIP) have a significant influence on relationship of general public to science and research and on appreciation and dissemination of new technologies. This case study has therefore set several main research questions on which the examination will be based.

Research focus and questions

  • Does science communication in this city have a discernible regional dimension?
  • What are the impacts of SCIP in the 4 pre-defined areas?
  • What are suitable tools for SCIP with respect to competencies and capacities of regional government?
  • Where the impacts are most apparent?

Rationale for case selection

This city is a typical example of a larger capital city of a newer member state of the EU (accession after 2000) which is still being affected by its totalitarian history with centrally-planned social and economic development, focus on being a capital city, absence of democracy, free market and entrepreneurship. Those circumstances contributed to exceptional concentration of science, research, education and related organizations and facilities in this city. Nowadays, the city is therefore a natural centre of science promotional activities in the country.

Available data shows that this city is a major centre of science, research and education facilities of the country. This also means high concentration of people that work in research, development, innovation and related activities and who have a natural affection for all things new and are more open to novelties in all forms. People whose response to information on science related topics are generally higher than is usual in the country as a whole.

Factors for case study elaboration

In relation to the regional innovation strategy (RIS) that is in the process of update since last year, participation in the PLACES project in the form of science city case study seems a suitable complementary step. As thematic area “People“ in the RIS that includes promotional activities related to science, research and entrepreneurship, closer analysis of SCIP aspects at regional level can present valuable base for development of suitable measures and projects.


The study focuses on this city as a science city and the chosen research questions led to selection of methods and modules deemed most suitable for this purpose. Out of modules offered by the PLACES Toolkit (reference 14), document analysis (Module B2) and semi-structured interviews (Module B1) were used.

Document analysis was used to further examine and elaborate our findings on the situational context of science communication policy in this city and its socioeconomic characteristics as described before in the PLACES national report. Analysis provided us with useful data describing both the general situation of this city as regards research, development and innovation environment and more closely subjects active in science communication and related policies and initiatives.

For examining the general situation we used public data from the national statistical office, ad hoc data provided by this office to the city development authority, official documents of the city and to a lesser extent other data found in professional magazines or websites. As regards science communication, the above-mentioned sources were supplemented by outputs of the MASIS project (Monitoring research and policy activities of science in society) which focused on mapping of science awareness activities. (See Annex I and II)

Module B2 was used as a standard tool with which the authors of this study are well acquainted with and have a thorough knowledge of what kind of data the national statistical office and other mentioned sources can offer. Under these circumstances, use of this module seemed to be a suitable time-efficient and cost-effective approach to proceed with study elaboration.

After consideration, Module B1 was chosen to consult selected experts and gather a sample of professional opinions on the topic of the study. The experts come from local authority, research institutes, education and business sphere. Our aim was to approach representatives of all those categories in order to get a more complex picture of the issue. The choice was based on their respective expertise and experience in both science-related policy and practise of science communication. Module B1 was adapted from interview into a questionnaire while maintaining most of the content suggested for the interview by the Toolkit. This adaptation was used to overcome the problem of setting up meetings during summer period when vacations mostly take place in the country.

Expert opinions were thus gathered using a questionnaire with some additional clarifications communicated via e-mail afterwards. Translation of core content of their responses is provided in Annex III.

Experts were chosen as follows:

  • One representative of local authority (from the city studied) – Mr. JMe
  • One representative of academic research institution (academy of sciences) – Mr. PM
  • One representative of business sphere (freelancer representing association of SMEs of the country) – Mr. JP
  • One representative of science communication facility (centre of administration and operations of the academy of sciences) – Mr. JMa
  • One representative of universities and professional association (technical university, Association of research organizations) – Mr. KM

From the sum of their opinions, common observations and conclusions served as a main basis for drawing up answers to research questions of this study and the resulting recommendations.

Furthermore, we used another European project with similar focus, CASC (cities and science communication), to help formulate the recommendations.

Based on our experience with the questionnaire, we would like to point out certain “weak spots” of this tool. Some questions aimed at finding examples or results of science communication activities (e.g. as a result of scientific culture activities, how is participation of public developed in this city?) would be more suitable for quantitative analysis rather than asking for subjective opinion. Generalization of such answers still provides rather non-objective conclusions. However, suitable data are very difficult to find or entirely non-existent.

Questions regarding opinion of the respondent on the future development in a given field often produced very general answers (see Annex III) as a qualified answer would require “foresight approach” or thorough thinking about the issues. Both are unsuitable for questionnaire which usually has a limited timeframe for fulfilment. Even in the unaltered form of semi-structured interviews, we consider certain questions unsuitable for generating more insightful answers.

Nevertheless, within the timeframe of the PLACES project and given the situation in SCIP in this city, Module B1 has proven to be sufficient tool for finding answers to posed research questions.


This chapter presents findings related to research questions posed in chapter 2.

Question 1: Does science communication in this city have a discernible regional dimension?

Based on findings described below in Question 2, we conclude that regional dimension of science communication exists and can be related to. On the part of regional (in this case municipal) administration, opportunity for initiative is substantial as the administration can influence primary and secondary education institutions and many cultural institutions (museums, libraries etc.). Research organization and universities can also act within the region as various events organized by them take place in this city and therefore influence local public the most.

Question 2: What are the impacts of SCIP in the 4 pre-defined areas?   


The environment of science communication policy (meaning mainly publicizing and popularization) in the country is not formed by a common national policy with a dedicated institution with specific commission for this field of activities. Only certain measures in the national research, development and innovation policy are focused on these issues. It is rather a sum of endeavours of various organizations, groups and individuals with different focus and rate of influence. Institutions with nation-wide renown and activities, many of which are seated in this city, naturally cover a wider public, be it general or professional one.

This represents an opportunity for the city’s region to develop its own regional policy. With increasing attention that is being given to R&D&I in recent years, new forms of financial support are being provided, especially from the level of the European Union. EU also puts increasing emphasis on mobilization of regional comparative advantages and local resources to spur economic recovery and development. The concept of “science in society” that projects the role of science communication policy in regional/local community can be perceived as an evidence-based approach in governing local agendas both at official (regional/local government) and informal (business, non-profit sphere) level. As such science communication seems a natural part of R&D&I regional policy.

The science communication in this city was developing together with SCIP on national level reflecting the radical changes initiated by major reforms of the national R&D systems, including also the more or less extensive decrease in funding. The significant reduction of ASCR staff in 1993 (50% for ASCR as a whole, some institutes were abolished completely) had been seen namely in this city. On the other hand, new high schools and universities were established there since the second half of 1990s. Also the privatization of the business enterprise sector in the sphere of research and development (the voucher privatization form) in the city’s region was carried out within the framework of the so-called “big privatization”, and it was finished in two waves in 1990s.

Many traditional platforms of popularization of science (namely newspaper sections and journals) ceased to exist because they were not able to survive in the new market economy. The transformed or new media are sometimes criticized by scientists for being too shallow and entertaining rather than informative, whereas scientists are criticized by journalists for being unable to do any kind of systematic popularization on their part.

In examining the potential of science communication, however, one also cannot leave aside certain fundamental characteristics of this society that applies to majority of the population. These have consequences on science communication efficiency and reception. This society is one with quite low share of religious people, hence “scientific” or “common sense” approach to life is relatively deeply anchored among the population and the need to “measure and weight” things and phenomena is common. This reflects in behaviour of people both in their professional and private life.

Two additional aspects can be added to the description of national specifics. First, no significant change can be expected in upcoming years as the above-mentioned feature of this society has a substantial level of inertia. Second, the country’s population of 10 million is too small for this general aspect to have important regional differences.

Observations listed above provide a basis for the role of regional administration in science communication policy. The city administration operates various scientific and cultural organizations and facilities (museums, libraries etc.) that allow for contact of the general public with scientific and technical knowledge and discoveries. Public primary and secondary schools also fall under city administration’s jurisdiction and so educational policy can be to a significant extent influenced that forms pupils and students up to 19 years of age as far as their perception of science and its role in society is concerned. City government also supports independent organizations with relevant similar activities (especially various non-profit organizations and civic associations) through provision of grants and similar financial support. All these institutions are perceived as an inseparable part of this city of culture. And science is, by one of the PLACES project definitions, form of culture.

Given the large concentration of institutions relevant to science and education, we conclude that regional dimension of science communication policy in this city exists. More so as at present, these institutions are the most active in science communication activities. Though, such activities arise mainly from individual efforts rather than be based on unified policy. As domestic and especially international marketing of this city as a European centre of science will be part of regional innovation strategy (RIS) implementation, with this city’s renown abroad it can become a “brand” interchangeable for the country in various research fields.

Support of scientific communication policy is expected to become one of the pillars of activities that this city will implement following the completion of its RIS update. It will be an umbrella over activities the city will be supporting, ranging from more “traditional” support of research sphere to new topics such as social innovations which seem to be especially suitable and topical for cities and urban areas. The updated RIS shall also provide a framework and pilot projects for those activities related to science communication that will lead to promotion of this city as a national and European centre of science and innovation and to promotion of science as socially beneficial career path for an individual and as a source of sustainable economic prosperity for the city.

Social and economic impacts

Social and economic impacts of science communication policy are mainly long-term in nature and as such require long-term approach in their implementation. The presence of science in society affects directly or indirectly social relationships and stimulates public-private interaction.

In the long term, the main goal of promotional activities is to attract young people to science and influence decision on their future career. And as science and innovation-driven economy is deemed to be source of European competitiveness, increasing the number of graduates ready to employ creativity and innovations in their professional life is a valuable contribution of science communication. Demand on the labour market for graduates with background in natural and technical sciences is increasing, following fast development in human knowledge and technology. Public policies begin to reflect this trend with increasing resources being dedicated to adapt to the new situation. These economic repercussions can be seen behind the effort of this city to stimulate co-operation between schools, enterprises and research organizations, which is embedded in city’s key strategic documents (strategic plan for this city, regional innovation strategy). Non-profit sphere can also provide valuable input and ways are being developed to allow for its more active participation.

Science communication is also developing independently from public policies to some extent. This is a result of omnipresence of IT technologies which allow for easy communication and are key element for easy diffusion of science-related knowledge and information. Contemporary IT-based tools function as an interface between general public and professionals. Easy access to information has become an ordinary element of our lives. On the other hand, the volume of communication activities tends to decrease our ability to study information in greater detail resulting in its superficial absorption. Management of science communication is therefore important to help set up respected communication channels.

As it is already mentioned, the increasing role of science in society leads to setting up new sources of funding on the part of public administration. European policies are the main driving force behind this as well as contemporary economic reality. In this city, during the last years, significant funds were disseminated that were provided from EU structural funds. Science related activities received major support that would otherwise not have been available from the city budget itself as in the country, R&D&I policy is mainly domain of central government. EU cohesion and R&D policy thus provided a stimulus that hastened development of support measures at both national and regional level.

Infrastructure built with this support in this city will be accompanied by further promotional activities multiplying the effects described above. To list a few examples where EU co-funded projects relate directly to science communication, we can name the Information centre of academy of sciences for general science communication and “Power for Competitiveness” project of a technology centre aimed at professional public.

Promotional events organized by the academy of sciences are one example when general public can directly communicate with R&D sector. Same is true for various web pages addressing different scientific topics, regardless of their institutional (official) or individual (private) origin. Detailed list of activities was elaborated in the course of the project “Monitoring Policy and Research Activities on Science in Society in Europe” (MASIS; see Annex II).

To conclude, science communication activities have impacts, among others, on the relationship of public to science, on approach of pupils and students to their future career and on decisions of public authorities on allocation of their financial resources and prioritization of their respective activities. This means that better understanding of science and what it can offer to society can improve quality of both public and private decision-making.

Quality of Life

Within PLACES project context, this part refers mainly to public participation, media activities and cultural identity.

There are no formalized procedures of public engagement (grounded in legislation, in governmental or the city management structures or in municipality measures of this city) focused specifically on R&D&I in the country; it is only possible to file specific petitions. Public debates (public hearings) oriented on the general public and civil organizations have not yet become part of public life in this city. However, there are initiatives trying to open public debates on the part of civic society. In general, public engagement is an important trend influenced by examples coming from advanced European countries, one that public authorities are trying to respond to and make efficient use of.

To name one example, in 2009, debates with the participation of the public took place in response to the proposal of a new budget for the academy of sciences, which was 20% lower in comparison with 2008 and was projected to be 50% lower in 2012. There were public debates involving officials representing scientific and educational institutions, the government and industry, which dealt with the actual ratio of institutional and project funding, basic and applied research, the levels of applicability of results in research and industry. New civic initiatives aimed at supporting science in society have come into being.

The current intensity of public interest in political debates about science, R&D and new technologies and their impact in the given society in the city’s region is rather low. The main reason is the contemporary economy and financial crisis and related financial cuts and public savings. In general, the city public learns about S&T decisions and developments via the mass media. As regards the scientific community, it may be said that citizens are consulted, and their opinions are considered in S&T decision-making.

The most frequent topics included in the debates are the following: climate change, the environment, energy policy and reform of tertiary education, broader national strategies for science and research development and various issues related to knowledge-based economy. Main result of public participation is realization of the existing problem and discussions on possible approaches, problems and clarifications of attitudes of parties involved. The extent of public participation is expected to slowly increase in the future, depending on the ability of science community and media to articulate relevant topics and issues.

Scientific culture in this city is formed by this city being the capital of the country and by its long tradition of science at local universities and, since mid-20th century, also at the academy of sciences. The region of this city was analysed in the research study of a science event with the results describing the “science city” features of this city. The main conclusion was that the capital city stands out from the other national regions, being typical representative of Type “science & service centre”. This city with a population of around 1.2 million is by far the largest city of the country. It serves as a national centre of business services, government administration, public research institutes and higher education.

However, historic tradition is related mainly to former local industrial base. More contemporary notion of tradition related to science and reflecting present socio-economic development is only slowly spreading among the general population.


As this city is an educational centre of the country, educational activities are a strong impulse for development of science communication activities. Recently, around 60% of secondary school graduates apply for admission to tertiary education institutions. Unfortunately, this trend –supported by way of public funding of universities– has detrimental effects on quality of university graduates as regards their readiness for practise.

Significant share of students apply for social sciences and humanities whereas the needs of the economy and labour market lie more in natural and technical sciences. On the side note, share of students of this city tertiary education institutions (public and private) on the country’s total accounts for around 40%.

Lifelong learning initiatives are also developing in larger numbers as strong intellectual potential of tertiary education will generate courses for both the public and firms. The non-saturated demand for certain qualifications of graduates (e.g. soft skills) is one of the driving forces.

New and growing initiatives of research organizations that want to attract present and future students and graduates are being developed. The project Open Science can be considered as another good practice with a focus on science education in schools. This project aimed at attracting especially secondary schools students to pursue scientific careers, namely in natural and technical sciences. Efforts of R&D workplaces to open to public are expected to increase. For example, number of school excursion is increasing. Scientific events are organized during the week of science and technology. New sponsors are interested in participation in such events which further strengthens the campaign. However, systematic approach to “detect” and work with talented young people should be behind these efforts, not only self-presentation.

Question 3: What are suitable tools for SCIP with respect to competencies of regional government?

Competencies of regional and local authorities in the field of scientific communication are not stipulated in national legislation. Therefore, it is either up to voluntary initiative of these authorities or with relation to their other competencies (e.g. primary and secondary education) to exercise measures that support SCIP.

As in many other policy fields, regional science communication policy should be, in ideal circumstances, based on relevant national policy. Such specific policy exists only in the form of rather generally formulated measures in national research, development and innovation policy for 2009-2015. Administration of this city can therefore rely only on various related national policies in the field of R&D&I, education etc. and their particular objectives and measures.

Leaving aside systematic measures and complex projects, we observed that tools offering direct personal experience for participants (promotional events, excursions, exhibitions etc.) seem to have a potential for more profound effect or response on the part of target group.

Question 4: Where the impacts of SCIP are most visible?

According to our findings, main recent general outcome of identified SCIP activities is their growing numbers. Increasing frequency positively affects their perception by the public, makes them more ordinary part of cultural life in this city. What is more important, numbers of (young) people who participate in events and visits to scientific workplaces are increasing. Number of marketing products (website, leaflets, TV shows etc.) also increases. All this makes science more and more common part of life which is one of the general objectives of the SCIP.

Still, there is space for the SCIP to aspire to have more concrete outcomes relating to socio-economic development of both the country and the city.


There is a growing interest within the citizens in the issues of spiritual, philosophical, cultural and ethical nature, issues that seem to stem from a greater appreciation of the actual weight of cultural and moral values and the human dimension in all walks of life. Furthermore, these issues are connected with an urgent need to restore its local cultural-historical traditions, while safeguarding the development of what are seen as unique and irreplaceable local studies. These topics come primarily under the heading of humanities, and today’s rising interest in these branches –especially among young and well-educated people– is highly visible in the public in this city.

Seen in this context, the relationship between expert opinion and democratic decision-making appears to be of great importance. At present, scientific expertise is known to exercise only occasional and limited influence on the political decision-making process of the city hall.

The public in this city does not perceive “science” in all its relevant factors but rather considers individually the various unique aspects connected to it. In the public opinion polls a “scientist” belongs traditionally among the most prestigious occupations (ranking second behind physicians, while university teachers rank third). Until recently, the questions of science policy and science funding were not a subject of serious public debate. But from the middle of 2010 we could say that they present an “important” agenda, however, it is being pushed aside by the social and economic problems caused by the economic depression.

Generally, the dialogue between science and society and the science communication initiatives and policies supporting it is a key issue. Often, they talk about the necessity of a new alliance between science and society on all societal levels. As far as this city is concerned, such a vital dialogue has been so far replaced by efforts to popularize science and well-meant endeavours aimed at making the general public understand science and its importance. But a genuine dialogue needs a two-way model, i.e. efforts to win over public understanding for science should be supplemented with endeavours to make scientists understand public attitudes as well.

Nevertheless, the science communication initiatives and policies can play a valuable role in regional dimension. In this city, we identified (based also on project MASIS findings) initiatives of various bodies (universities, academy of science) in science communication that can influence the perception of role of science in daily lives of citizens and workers in the city. Clearly, promotional activities can ease articulation of what science has to offer to a common person and society as a whole.

To maximise effects of science communication there is a space for national and regional authorities to play an integrating role in the form of elaborating and implementing suitable national and regional policies with appropriate focus. Through influence of public authorities on many research institutions and on educational system, they could help create respected communication channels for systematic promotion of science and its role in society.

The city expects to develop some kind of science communication policy together with implementation of its regional innovation strategy that is being updated since last year. With this strategy in place, this city aspires to promote itself as a European centre of science and innovation and exploit its comparative advantages in competition with relevant cities in neighbouring countries with similar aspirations.


Ambition of this study is to put forward recommendations focused on regional level, however, our first recommendation calls for national umbrella framework for science communication initiatives and policies (SCIP) activities. On the other hand, if the regional government wants to take initiative within its remit, non-existence of superior policy should not constitute an obstacle.

Elaborate national science communication policy.

National science and communication policy should motivate more both the public and scientists towards dialogue. But such a dialogue must be genuine and necessitates a two-way model, i.e. efforts to win over public understanding for science should be supplemented with endeavours to make scientists understand public attitudes and needs as well.

Elaborate regional dimension of national science communication policy.

Most effective science communication initiatives and policies in this city, which would support future scientific and innovation culture, should systematically and intensively support innovative entrepreneurship in this region. It should be accompanied by popularisation of positive results and explanatory communication of examples of the “best practice”. This type of popularisation activity could bring more communicable and understandable comprehensibility of both real and potential effects of research and technology development. Development of SCIP for the city could motivate higher participation of the public in decision processes and implementation of solutions for the key problems in this city.

The potential for public-private interaction is substantial in this city. If it is stimulated through SCIP, it will lead to development of science and innovation culture and subsequently to improvement of city’s competitiveness.

Emphasize personal experience in science communication – place substantial focus on events where people can “meet with science” in person.

New modes of SCIP; scientists understand public attitudes and are going close to public (TV periodical programmes, shows, exhibitions, street activities).

Popularisation events organized by research organizations in this city are becoming more and more frequent. Their positive influence on the awareness of local public, on encouragement of young people in their interest in science, research and technologies is undeniable. However, so far, they tend to be more a one-way communication campaigns instead of a two-way discussion on the society’s priorities.

Follow recommendations of the CASC Project aimed at strengthening public participation in science, in particular:

  • Promote science through partnerships between scientists and corporations.
  • Invest in science educators and communicators.
  • Strengthen links between science professionals and the media.


1. Here the author refers to a strategic plan related to the city where this case study was performed. The name of this book has been suppressed in order to maintain the anonymity of this case report. If you need more information or wish to know more about it, please send a message to

2. Here the author refers to a yearbook about the education of the country where this case study was performed (2007). The name of this book has been suppressed in order to maintain the anonymity of this case report. If you need more information or wish to know more about it, please send a message to

3. Here the author refers to a book about operational programmes for EU structural funds support in the city where this case study was performed. The name of this book has been suppressed in order to maintain the anonymity of this case report. If you need more information or wish to know more about it, please send a message to

4. Here the author refers to a national report (2007) for the country where this case study was performed. The name of this book has been suppressed in order to maintain the anonymity of this case report. If you need more information or wish to know more about it, please send a message to

5. Here the author refers to a national report (2010) for the country where this case study was performed. The name of this book has been suppressed in order to maintain the anonymity of this case report. If you need more information or wish to know more about it, please send a message to

6. Homan, J. (2012) Cities and Science Comunication. EUCASC Project.

7. Janíčková, H. Mošna, Z. & Vojtková, M. (2012) Forum “Science Is Alive!” (“Fórum věda žije!”).

8. Klimentová, M. Nováková, K. Rejchrt, R. Bílková, B. & Krzyžanková, L. (2011) Week of Science and Technology.

9. Mejlgaard, N. Ravn, T. & Degn, L. (2010) MASIS Common Issues and Research Priorities.

10. Calloni, M. Felt, U. Gorski, A. Grunwald, A. Rip, A. de Semir, V. & Wyatt, S. (2010) MASIS project (Monitoring research and policy activities of science in society).

11. Here the author refers to an analysis for implementation and update of national research, development and innovation policy of the country where this case study was performed. The name of this book has been suppressed in order to maintain the anonymity of this case report. If you need more information or wish to know more about it, please send a message to

12. Petr, O. Žaludová, M.  & Pospíšilová, V. (2012) Open Science II.

13. Here the author refers to a yearbook about the education of the country where this case study was performed (2012). The name of this book has been suppressed in order to maintain the anonymity of this case report. If you need more information or wish to know more about it, please send a message to

14. De Semir et al. (2012) The PLACES toolkit for the impact assessment of scince communication initiatives and policies. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra.