Modules used: A3, B1, B2, C3 – Science City – 2012

This is a standardized version of the original case analysis number 7. Specific names and locations have been substituted from the original document number 7 with generic references in order to preserve the anonymity of every participant.

In case you would like to read the original document, please contact


The case study of this city as scientific city was carried out from October to December 2012. In total three modules (two focus groups with ordinary citizens, semi-structured interviews with stakeholders, document analysis and one focus group with relevant actors) were applied.

Ordinary citizens associated the term ‘science city’ with local science communication institutions. They referred to three groups of people characterizing science city: scientists, tourists and students. Citizens found science city as positive by nature and preferred place for living and working. They regarded the new science centre as one of the most popular local institutions.

Stakeholders described three types of added-values emerging from the communication of science and technology: raising awareness of citizens on science, raising popularity of natural sciences, awareness of public expenditures. Interviewees believed that citizens perceive themselves as belonging to an innovative society. They noted that science communication institutions like the new Science Centre, have led to increase in tourism and activated local economy. They expressed criticism that science communication initiatives are financed as project-based that is not sustainable financial measure for follow-up projects. Interviewees stressed that institutions dealing with science communication have worked out new courses for students and citizens.

Major objective of policies is to advance the position of this city as internationally competitive education and research campus. In future knowledge-based economy is expected to prevail. However, document analysis revealed that the public of this country is still moderately informed about usefulness of science and scientists.

Actors considered this city as a favourable environment with networks that can be useful for themselves or their institutions.


The current study investigates the impact of initiatives and policies related to science communication (SCIP) in this city. This city has been chosen into the case study as the most representative science cities in this country. This place is a city with two public universities –the local university and the national university of life sciences– and eight scientific centres of excellence. The major part of national researchers and members of the academic teaching staff works in this city. There are also numerous science museums operating. This city has tradition of science museums since the beginning of 19th century. In May 2011 newest and salient enterprise, the new science centre was launched. Science events and festivals take place regularly. Different internationally operating high-tech companies like Skype employ people in this city branches.

This city, with its population of 97.600 (Population Census data from 2011) in an area of 38.8 square kilometres, is the second largest city of the country. Lying 185 kilometres south of the capital, this city is also the centre of the southern part of the country. Since 2001, the ministry of education and research operates in this country.

Eurobarometer series of surveys on the life sciences (reference 2) portray citizens as eager adherents of technological optimism in European context. Results of the entrepreneurship study in this city (reference 4) point that local entrepreneurs see the image of the city as the most attractive aspect of investment climate.

Historically this city has been prominent university town. After foundation of the university in 1632 it educated mostly specialists for local needs until the country was part of another kingdom. In the 19th century it was one of leading universities in the neighbour country’s empire. The university constituted itself bridge between the neighbour countries: being the neighbour country’s state university, An European language was the language of instruction. Many prominent scientists like Karl Ernst von Baer (founding father of embryology) and Wilhelm Ostwald, (Nobel Prize in Chemistry) studied and taught at this city’s university then. After gaining independence in 1919, it kept a high reputation among citizens. For the national public, this city has continuously reputation as “university town”.

Nowadays this city is an internationally prominent science city. Scientific institutions in this city represent practically all national research areas and specialities. Results of the researcher mobility study (reference 3) reveal that scientists themselves tend to be convinced that the best way for being updated with the newest developments on their speciality in a country like this is to stay internationally open.


The current study focuses on this city as a science city and investigates the impacts of science communication initiatives and policies (SCIP) on the citizens, actors and political sphere. According to the PLACES Impact Assessment Toolkit four given modules were applied (see table 1).

In the case study, qualitative methods and document analysis were employed to collect information about influences of SCIP. Focus group interview method was chosen for public and actors’ spheres because it allows interviewing multiple individuals simultaneously and enables to gather shared discourses which emerge during group discussion.

Table 1. Modules and method used in the study

Dimensions Module Study method
Public Sphere Module A3 Focus groups (n=2) with ordinary citizens
Policy Sphere Module B1

Semi-structured interviews (n=6) with different stakeholders (5 personal interviews and 1 group interview)Module B2Document analysisActors’ SphereModule C3A focus group interview with relevant actors

Sample design and procedure of interviews

Public sphere

The aim of focus group interviews was to investigate views and estimations of citizens on this city as a science city and impacts of living there on their life. Next criteria were followed in sample formation: a potential participant should have lived in this city for some time; he/she has at least secondary education, and he/she neither has not working experience at the universities or research institutions not engaged in organisation of science communication activities.

The focus groups were designed so that both groups would include equal number of males and females. Two focus group interviews were conducted, 6 to 7 people in each group. Altogether 13 individuals (7 men and 6 women) participated in the interviews. The age of the participants varied from 25 to 42 years, the average age was 35.

Policy sphere

The objective of interviews with stakeholders was to assess impacts of SCIP on policies, quality of life, education and socio-economic effects in this city. In the choice of interviewees certain criteria were taken into account. Into this interviews stakeholders working or having a position in institutions related to science communication, research and science policy making in this city were invited. The sample included 7 experts whose names and affiliations are presented below:

  • TTe (deputy mayor of the city government; her responsibilities are education, culture, science and youth work);
  • RT (deputy mayor of the city government; his responsibilities are development plans, urban planning);
  • TTu (head of the department of science communication, national research council);
  • PK (board member, the new science centre);
  • VP (editor-in-chief of a science e-magazine of the local university).
  • KY (head of the department of coordination, institute of
  • physics, faculty of science and technology, and mentor manager at the office of research and development, local university);
  • EL (senior research fellow, head of department, department of field crops and grassland husbandry, institute of agricultural and environmental sciences, national university of life sciences).

Actors’ sphere

The main goal of interview with actors was to examine how involvement in the city of science initiative has influenced them. The requirements for the selection of actors were that their daily work duties should be related to science initiatives and/or communication activities in this city. Nine people agreed to attend in the interview but eventually five of them could not participate because of inappropriate time, busy work schedule or illness. The sample consisted of four people:

  • HJ (coordinator, astronomer, observatory museum)
  • HH (project manger, the new science centre)
  • NK (project manager, local science park)
  • UT (chief specialist, department of research policy, ministry of education and research).

All potential participants were sent an email with introduction of the aim of the project and information about conducting the interview. The focus group interviews with citizens and actors lasted about 80 minutes. Duration of interviews with stakeholders was between 35 and 75 minutes. Focus group interviews were carried out in a separate room of the university and individual ones in the interviewees’ workplaces. Interview questions, which have been given in the Toolkit, were translated into national language and supplemented with some questions (e.g., questions for experts about terminology of science communication and the personal role of the participant and his/her organisation in science communication). See translations of interview questions in Annexes 1-3 and interview invitations in Annexes 4-6. The interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Participation in interview was voluntary for everybody and remained anonymous for ordinary citizens. The quotations of the interviewees are presented in italics and quotation marks in the analysis.

Document analysis

The purpose of document analysis was to analyse documents related both to objectives of science policies and existing evaluations and commentaries on science in society. Here two types of documents were inspected:

  • Those that set out plans, proposals and purposes for science policies at city and regional level
  • Those that display the results of scientific culture initiatives and policies. For the collection aforementioned documents web search from homepages of the city government, the new science centre, universities, science museums etc. was carried out.

At first the analysis focused on development plans, action programs and strategies of science policies and initiatives. Then keywords as science, science city, science culture, science museum, science festival, science event, and science communication were used to find relevant documents. For the next documents containing possible previous evaluations and commentaries on science in society were collected.


This city as science city and its impact on ordinary citizens

The meaning of ’science city’

At first, the interviewees associated the term ‘science city’ with specific science facilities, science communication centres and non-formal education centres located in the city. They mentioned, for example, the local university, the new science centre and a youth centre. However, some participants thought in more abstract way, they did not consider science city to be certain institutions but rather an environment that contributes doing science and research and realisation of new ideas. This city would be a science-friendly place with innovative local authorities where many science communication events, festivals, exhibitions, and conferences are held and where creativity and thirst for knowledge are valued.

“It is a city where, at the government level, one keeps him/herself informed of the latest science achievements and useful things are tired to apply.”

The participants referred to three groups of people that characterize a science city more than in any other cities. These groups are scientists, tourists and young people (students). The most of interviewees named the presence of university as an important aspect of a science city.

Positive and negative connotations of science cities

Generally, the participants found science city as positive by nature and see it is a preferred place for living and working. Science city was perceived as offering citizens’ diverse opportunities to educate and spend their leisure time. It attracts a number of qualified and innovative people, which in turn means a fast and efficient development of science and business.

“When they [scientists and educated people] get together, then there will be created synergy. Then 2 plus 2 is not 4, but even 5, 6 or 7. If there is a critical mass of “the sharpest pencils” or “the brightest brains” together, then added value will be produced already.”

However, some negative aspects were mentioned during the interviews concerning science cities. One of them is unemployment among people with higher education due to overproduction of professionals in certain (narrow) specialities. Therefore some of them will have to retrain or leave the city. Another opinion indicates to a reverse situation where increase of science-based business and activities can be resulted in the lack of human capital which may hinder the progress of science and technology.

“For example, there aren’t available free people in the (labour) market who are competent and want to engage in science.”

The participants also talked that the excessive concentration on science related fields might lead to mono-functionality and insufficiency in other branches of economy (e.g., service sector). Introduction of new technologies can bring about a gap between generations. For instance, older people are less able to cope with ICT devices and digital services than younger, thus there is a need to consider different age groups in elaborating and implementing new technologies.

This city as a science city

Although we started the interviews with a general question about the meaning of science city without referring to the city, the participants started to talk about institutions in this city. Questioning about possible science cities in this country the interviewees could mention, the first response was this city. Though some interviewees, particularly those who were born in the capital, presented the capital as a competing city in some aspects (like emerging university), but according to the dominant opinion, this city is still a leading science and education centre in the country. They emphasised that there are many science-related institutions in this city, but the oldest university (local university), modern science centre, the ministry of education and research, and the old observatory have a symbolic meaning.

“We [citizens] always have such a polarization of power versus spirit [that is represented in the images of the capital and this city]. In this city, we have always seen more such spirit and science. In addition, the local university belongs to a national group and is among the 1% of the best universities in the world.”

The interviewees compared this city with other towns in the country, declaring that the ratio of scientists and science objects per citizen is the highest in this city. Moreover, there have been organised more science communication activities than in other towns. The advantages of this city are its small size and compactness, so that people can notice science institutions, museums and events easily and visit them.

Influence of this city as a science city on the participants

The interviewees admitted that living in this city has affected them in several ways. Primarily, they pointed out educational aspects. The local university attracts students from all over the country but it is the first option for young people living in this city and surrounding areas. Thus the participants found that living in/moving to this city have motivated them to attain higher education.

“Obviously, if I have not lived in this city, then going to university wouldn’t be so convenient and natural. There is a modern expression in this city such as lifelong learning. I seem that it is self-evident. If a person has a will and wisdom and a little ambitions, then there are no limits to study.”

The proportion of intellectuals is high in this city; therefore, it is quite likely to belong to a social network with a researcher or scientist. The respondents argued that communicating with such people have made them get interested more in science and participate in science events. In addition, they found that this city has influenced their choice of profession and offers better job and career opportunities.

The participants regarded that there are quite a common recreational activities in this city that provide knowledge of science. They mentioned new science centre as the most popular institution of that kind in this city and even in the country. The centre is a popular place for people at all ages, especially for children and families offering educational and useful entertainment. The science centre is also rapidly developing important tourist attraction. Different science communication institutions play central role in the citizens’ everyday life. The participants have visited the observatory, the local environmental education centre, zoological museum, and a centre of the ice age. They liked these institutions because they offer interesting exhibitions, courses and lectures.

From science events they considered the night of scientists festival and local festival days with its science exhibitions as outstanding. The interviewees liked going to museums and events with friends and family because they saw these visits motivating and such experiences gave them an opportunity to discuss about exhibits and change impressions. Many participants have organised themselves visitations to museums and brought acquaintances and family members.

The participants expressed proud of this city as there are universities, the science centre, museums, a lot of hobby circles and activities. They pronounced the city’s slogan ‘city of good thoughts’ as representing that there is a pleasant atmosphere for learning, working, implementation new ideas, and for living at all. In sum, it can be said that living in this city has influenced citizens’ daily life and choices, impacted on their attitudes towards science, made them more intellectually curious and inspired to participate in science centres and activities.

Stakeholders views on impacts of SCIP

Impacts of SCIP on initiatives and policies

The participants described three types of added-values, which may emerge concerning communication of science and technology. At first, communication of science will help to raise awareness of citizens thereby they will be able to make informed decisions and improve their quality of life. Secondly, science communication activities will make natural sciences and technologies more popular among young people. The more they will prefer these specialties while admission to the university, the better offspring will scientists get in the future.

“The more we will have people who study these specialties, the more we will have labour force that will be able to develop new and innovative solutions in this field. And considering the fact that this country is such a small country then our advantage of competition can never be a soft discipline. This should be a thing based on knowledge so we can compete in the world.” (PK)

Finally, communication of science and technology achievements serves to inform the taxpayers about the use of money and to influence their attitudes to make them to favour in elections candidates whose platforms comprise financing of science and technology.

The interviewees stressed that local authorities have played important role in the process of fostering a culture of science and technology in this city. The city government has initiated and coordinated science communication activities and made investments in infrastructure. The participants mentioned that the construction of the new science centre and local environmental education centre have been initiated and partly financed by local government. In addition, the local authorities have supported financially non-formal education (e.g., robotics and space hobby circle), activities of the local science park and the research school of the local university, (international) scientific conferences held in this city, different Olympiads of science and technology etc.

Among remarkable science fostering policies were also mentioned the nomination of scientists for Citizen of Honour of the city and rewarding pupils for good performance in the Olympiads. Establishing the new science centre was regarded as major achievement among the most effective policies in this city which contributes development of culture of science.

Public participation in debates and taking into account their views in final decision process about science and technology related issues was regarded deficient in this city and this country at all. The interviewees told that citizens have been informed about future developments of city. However, majority of interviewees can’t bring example where public had a voice in final decision making. Deputy mayors mentioned that some scientists and experts have been engaged in debates on the elaboration of development plans.

Impacts of SCIP on quality of life

The interviewees agreed unanimously that science and research institutions, science communication centres and activities have influenced the cultural identity of this city. Particularly, they found that the local university and the new science centre are institutions with symbolic meaning, which have essentially shaped the reputation of the city.

Due to the activities of aforementioned and other science and technology institutions, the participants believed that citizens perceive themselves as belonging to an innovative society which values highly new science initiatives. Lots of science communication activities (science cafe, tea party with scientists, stellar observations etc.) held in this city make the citizens feel themselves as a part of local tradition of science and technology. As a positive sign the participants noticed is increasing interest of young people in science and their active and enthusiastic participation in science communication events.

“There are quite a lot these opportunities, including science festivals, where the citizens could feel that they are a part of all these. There is a corner with science exhibition in many public events. Science is on the picture.” (TTu)

The participants argued that the media has begun to report more science news. They listed like the national research council has organized several media conferences; there have been more broadcasts on science and technology in public and private TV channels and radio stations; scientists have been invited to comment social problems and occurrence of natural disasters in media. In the future, media, especially online-media will be become more attentive to science news.

The interviewees explained the increase of media interest by growth of demand (people would like to read more articles on science), as well as improvement of journalists’ competency dealing with scientific topics. The participants noted that students of journalism have been trained to write on science and technology and PhD students have been taught to communicate their research results in more simple and understandable way for common people.

Social and economic impacts of SCIP

The activities related to SCIP have had direct and indirect social and economic impact on this city and citizens. Concerning building new institutions, carrying out projects and organising events, many temporary and permanent jobs have been created. For example, the new science centre provides jobs about for 70 individuals. Spin-off companies of the local university, science park and IT companies deserved positive attention by the participants as innovative and profitable businesses bringing new jobs and partnerships with universities and schools.

New interactions through science communication activities have also come about between science centres and museums, NGOs, universities, schools and media. Particularly, the new science centre has cooperated with many educational, research, and technology institutions in this city. The participants predicted increase of public and private interactions henceforth. Especially schools would be more interested in cooperation with universities, companies, and science communication institutions.

According to the interviewees, science communication activities in this city, precisely the new science centre, have led to increase in tourism and activated local economy. Although the primary interest aroused after opening of the new science centre in 2011 has abated, the ongoing renewal of expositions, organisation of events, and advertising to foreign markets will keep the number of tourists on the rise.

“The new science centre, which has set a record for the number of tourists visiting, enriches economy of the city. When a group of tourist comes from outside of the city, from the neighbour country or from other cities of the country the science centre is like a magnet that pulls. But they do not come only to here; they go shopping, to catering. And the swimming pool and water park next to the science centre has increased its visitation.” (TTe)

The interviewees were quite critical of financial support measures implemented for science communication activities in this city and also in this country. They considered project-based financing that has been dominated in conducting such activities less sustainable. It was suggested that new science communication initiatives may be financed as project-based but, this is not a reasonable financial measure for follow-up projects. Last ones especially successful and popular activities will need permanent funding to be continuous. The participants found that combined financial schemes including both permanent and project-based financing would be effective as well like in the case of the new science centre and local environmental education centre.

The impact of SCIP on education

The participants said that institutions dealing with science communication and/or research have worked out new courses for pupils, students and the citizens as well. They exemplified the school pupils have done their practices in the new science centre and got lectures on Chemistry and Physics by academic staff of the universities. In addition, scientists from universities have supervised pupils in their research work.

There has been an increase in visits of school pupils to science museums, centres and science events and it may become more frequent in the future. The participants believed that cooperation between schools, universities and science communication institutions will be increased henceforth and more courses will be offered for pupils. Moreover, the pupils may attend lectures at the universities in order to improve their knowledge and be more competitive in admission to university.

The interviewees talked that scientific laboratories of universities and technology companies are interested in visitation of students and citizens. Some laboratories have organised open days for public such as the national genome centre, the institute of technology, and the institute of chemistry of the local university.

“For example, when I organise a conference, then I’ll call to genome centre and ask whether we could come to visit. There have been even hired people in genome centre who will do guided tours and offer courses for interested people.” (PK)

Almost all research and science communication institutions located in this city have produced interactive and digital learning materials for school subjects (e.g., in science and chemistry), compiled worksheets for guests, organised games (e.g., game of planets), exhibitions and other activities related to science and technology. For instance, the national research council has financed the production of two TV programmes one which introduced science and technology achievements, and another which was specially targeted to young people. The participants emphasised the contribution of the research school of the local university in organising nationwide Olympiads in various subjects to pupils.

Document analysis

Objectives for science in society

At first we are analysing documents concerning to the objectives of science in society initiatives and policies at city level. We did not find separate documents stating explicitly objectives for science in society. However, different science in society initiatives can be formulated in different development plans and strategies. Majority of them are converged in the local development strategy 2030 (reference 6). The elaboration of strategy was initiated by city council in 2005 and five thematic expert groups were involved, citizens were invited to express their opinions about the future of the city on the homepage of the city and at the conference “The Vision of the city 2030” workshops in September 2005.

Objectives of this strategy consider the future of this city as oriented to the development of science and technology. The city is seen to function as innovative leader of national knowledge-based society. Central political aim is to keep the leading position of intellectual capital of this country and to ensure status of this city as regional centre. The desired future image of this city is expected to be basing on the values favouring innovation, openness, participation, cooperation and the future-oriented mentality.

Explicitly mentioned target groups are people getting educated in the city: national engineers and other specialists who have studied in this city, internationally recognized researchers, PhD and post-doc students.

Thus the role of this city is expected to be creative city of knowledge as biggest employers of this city are expected to be educational and research establishments.

Central economic objective is entrepreneurship. As the country is itself small then knowledge-based economy is expected to prevail, future enterprises must be vital and internationally competitive. Modern support structures for entrepreneurship enable to work out and implement new technologies. Entrepreneurs are expected to contribute into establishment of experimental and licensing laboratories, independent expertise centres and spin-off companies. This city is seen to be an attractive destination for tourists with its modern infrastructure. The national research results are acquainted to the wider public by the new science centre that is a science cultural establishment introducing people with science-based mentality and the work of researchers.

Development plan foresees the importance of public participation in the decision-making process. Rising importance of voluntary organizations and expanding cooperation between the public and private sector is also expected. Inhabitants are expected to think in terms of local and wider identities. This city is seen to be caring city of socially active inhabitants where quality of life, care and participation in the life of the society is guaranteed to all inhabitants regardless of their status.

Major objective of policies is to keep and advance the position of this city as internationally competitive education and research campus. Strategic directions state the importance of involvement of teachers and researchers in future policies that are draft to encourage partnerships between public and private sector and the active involvement of its citizens in shaping the urban environment. Universities in the city are expected to make a considerable contribution to the development of the innovation system. One of important objectives is the creation of the support system for those leading researchers who deal with fundamental and applied research having an industrial potential.

This city is expected to be internationally open network of educational establishments. One of educational objectives is establishment of an international gymnasium for the talented young people. On the level of postgraduate education considerable expansion of Master’s and PhD studies in cooperation with foreign higher schools is planned to carry out. Another aim is to promote extensive international exchange of students between universities, applied higher schools and research establishments.

Educational objectives also stress the importance of the access to life-long learning for all inhabitants. This city is seen to be a centre for continuing education and qualification that involves educational establishments of different levels. Special attention is paid to the development of further education in entrepreneurship. Such objectives are intended to assure economy in this city at the high-technological level. Relevant measures presuppose creation of the system of cooperation for roundtables and quality circles between enterprises, research institutions and local municipalities.

Commentaries on science in society

There are no previous explicit evaluations about efficacy of policies on science in society. However, some commentaries can be found. For example local centres of excellence issue press releases on their activities that are sometimes published in media as well.

Obstacles of science communication issues were inspected comprehensively in local university journal (reference 5). They interviewed prominent scientists and science journalists involved in the field. Scientists noted that science is not self-popularising, it is not possible to promote image of science publishing articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals only. They argued, that the public of this country is still moderately informed about usefulness of science and scientists. They admitted, that students’ scientific association did good job in the initiation of young scientists’ careers. They saw the source of problems is in European and national media’s tendency to prefer sensational news. They explained that media stories stress quite often attractive, but second-rate aspects of research, and it can reduce scientists desire to communicate with media.

Science journalists noted that national science journalists are self-made people, they pulled oneself up by one’s bootstraps in defiance of editorial offices. As journalists’ educational background is usually different of reverberated scientific topic then it turns out to be barrier. They stressed that great deal of stories are translations or non-checked press releases. In their opinion it is important for journalists to keep good relations with their sources due to the smallness of this country. Thus it is difficult for journalists to pressure reluctant scientist. They suggested that useful way for the popularization of results could be briefings where national top scientists themselves could talk about their own current topics, international developments and major issues.

Impacts of SCIP on actors

The participants’ role in science communication

The project manager of a science park has duty to introduce activities of scientists to entrepreneurs and to promote partnerships between them. The daily work tasks of the specialists from the observatory and the new science centre are closely related to science communication, including organisation of hobby groups (astronomy circle), science cafes, stellar observations, giving lectures on science etc.

During the focus group interview, the participants described impacts of their engagement in science communication in this city directly on themselves and effects on their institution.

Impacts on the participants

This city offers favourable living, studying, working, and development environment for the participants contributing their career choices.

“This city has offered me many opportunities and there are enough attractive environments for work, life and interaction.” (NK)

Development of competency: The participants said that they have developed their communication skills, improved knowledge, and broadened the mind by their activities. For example, they have enhanced skills to talk about science and their work to visitors and other people using simple and understandable terms and definitions.

Enlargement of personal networks:

“I think that through my job I have got a lot of interesting information that I could not notice otherwise. But thanks to the work, I read more about science and I’m interested in it more. And I have a lot of good contacts both in this country and abroad.” (TTu)

The participants have experienced positive feelings due to their work. Especially the interest of visitors and partners and their positive feedback has made the participants enjoy their work. The participants recognised that their work is interesting and diverse.

Impacts on their institution

Getting feedback and attention

The interviewees talked about positive public attention to and media coverage of their institution’s activities. They added positive feedback from partners both in this country and abroad. Particularly, the new science centre has earned lots of approval; however, the project manager of a science park admitted that they have got positive feedback and recognition rather from partners outside of the country than from people of homeland. In this country, the meaning and function of the science park is somewhat unclear, therefore companies, research institutions and media cannot associate with them.

Entrepreneurs see us as a unit of the university and the university sees us as an incomprehensible company. The state sees us as a big business at all. We have such an identity issue. Thus journalists cannot also communicate with us. (NK)

Network enlargement between actors and other relevant agencies

All participants reported formation of new partnerships inside and outside of the country due to their own and colleagues’ activities. The collaboration between actors and other institutions (e.g., companies, universities, schools) has led to new projects, initiatives and development of new research topics.

Economic benefits

The participants talked about the direct economic benefits which consist in visitation of science communication events by tourists making a profit. However, the benefits may be also indirect and difficulty calculated in the monetary value. Precisely, the participants expect to change their area or speciality more attractive to young people and founders by science communication activities and thereby will recruit new employees and conclude partnerships in the future.

Increase of prestige and promotion of public image of research area/speciality

The interviewees talked that their/their institution’s activities have raised the prestige of their speciality and institution. In particular, the specialist from the observatory said that her institution and speciality (astronomy) have had a good reputation in the country as well as in the international level for long time. But the project manager of the new science centre indicated that in public this science centre is regarded as a popular and avowed amusement park rather a serious science communication centre that the staff of this science centre wishes it would be.


Case study this city as scientific city was carried out by researchers from local university in the period from October to December 2012. In total three modules (two focus groups with ordinary citizens, semi-structured interviews with stakeholders, document analysis and one focus group with relevant actors) were applied.

Focus groups with ordinary citizens revealed that they associated the term ‘science city’ with local science communication institutions. Ordinary citizens referred to three groups of people characterizing science city: scientists, tourists and students. Citizens noted that the meaning of science city is positive by nature and this city is preferred place for living and working. They regarded new science centre as one of the most popular institutions in the city. Citizen expressed worries that overproduction of professionals in certain specialities could produce unemployment among people with higher education and thus some qualified people must leave the city. Ordinary people mentioned also easier access to the education.

Stakeholders described three types of added-values emerging from the communication of science and technology: raising awareness of citizens that leads making informed decisions, raising popularity of natural sciences among youth and raising awareness of public expenditures. Interviewees believed that citizens perceive themselves as belonging to an innovative society. They noted that science communication institutions like the new science centre, have led to increase in tourism and activated local economy. The participants believed that cooperation between schools, universities and science communication institutions will be increased. Interviewees stressed that institutions dealing with science communication and research have worked out new courses for students and citizens. They expressed criticism that science communication initiatives are financed as project-based, but this is not sustainable financial measure for follow-up projects. Interviewees stressed that institutions dealing with science communication and research have worked out new courses for students and citizens.

Document analysis pointed that major objective of policies is to keep and advance the position of this city as internationally competitive education and research campus. The desired future image of this city is expected to be basing on the values favouring innovation, openness, participation, cooperation and the future-oriented mentality. In future knowledge-based economy is expected to prevail. However, document analysis revealed that the public of this country is still moderately informed about usefulness of science and scientists. Sometimes it is difficult for media to distinguish paramount aspects from second-rate aspects of research, and that can inhibit successful science communication.

Actors considered this city as favourable environment. They mentioned that their own and colleagues’ activities leaded to the formation of new partnerships inside and outside of this country. Such networks approved to be useful for themselves or their institutions. Some of them complained that sometimes their activities remain incomprehensive for the wider public and thus companies, research institutions and media cannot associate with each other as effectively as one can expect. Others worried that sometimes public tends to see that kind of institution as popular and avowed amusement park rather a serious science communication centre.


The participants were dissatisfied with financing mechanisms of science communication activities considering it unsustainable and restraining development.

  • To improve financing schemes of science communication activities so it will be assured sustainability.
  • To enable permanent financing method for effective follow-up projects.

The results referred to low participation of public in debates on science and technology and people’s lack of awareness of the opportunity to have a voice in final decision.

  • To promote public participation in debates and discussion about science and technology by local authority.
  • To inform citizens more about their opportunity to have a voice on important issues for the city development.

Public awareness on the usefulness of science can be enhanced through improvement of communication between scientists and science journalist

  • To organize for the popularization of science briefings where national top scientists themselves could talk about their own research and current issues.
  • To educate competent science journalists.


1. De Semir et al. (2012) The PLACES toolkit for the impact assessment of scince communication initiatives and policies. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

2. Gaskell, G., Stares, S., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., Castro, P., Esmer, Y., Fischler, C., Jackson, J., Kronberger, N., Hampel, J., Mejlgaard, N., Quintanilha, A., Rämmer, A., Revuelta, G., Stoneman, P., Torgersen, H., Wagner, W. (2010) Europeans and Biotechnology in 2010 – Winds of change? Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

3. Here the author refers to an article about researcher mobility and factors that influence this mobility in the country where this case study was performed. The name of this book has been suppressed in order to maintain the anonymity of this case report. If you need more information or wish to know more about it, please send a message to

4. Here the author refers to an article about entrepreneurs’ opinion on investment climate in the city where this case study was performed. The name of this book has been suppressed in order to maintain the anonymity of this case report. If you need more information or wish to know more about it, please send a message to

5. Sakova, A., Sõerunurk, S. (2009) Obstacles of science communication. Local university, 7, 24–27.

6. Here the author refers to an article about the development strategy of the city where this case study was performed. The name of this book has been suppressed in order to maintain the anonymity of this case report. If you need more information or wish to know more about it, please send a message to