Semi-structured interviews with visitors, immediately after visit.

The following grid for semi-structured interviews should be interpreted as a guideline. For technical details on how to conduct semi-structured interviews please refer to the Methodological Considerations Chapter (p.25).
Important note: Please retain the general term ‘science and technology’ throughout the interview scheme only in the case that the museum or science centre you are using covers a broad spectrum of science and technology topics. If the museum or science centre you are collecting data from has a very specific scope, please replace the term ‘science and technology’ with a more specific and relevant term or rephrase the questions accordingly.


Questions to visitors of science centres/museums immediately after their visit about learning key concepts, understanding principles, attitudes towards S&T, attitudes towards the science centre, motivation, inspiration, interest in following S&T news/events/innovations, beliefs about controversial issues, self-esteem, confidence.

1. Why did you choose to visit this museum / science centre in particular [fill in the name of the science centre]?

2. What in particular did you like or dislike and why?

3. If you think about other cultural but also scientific institutions / activities in this city / region – what do you think is the significance of this museum / science centre [fill in the name of the science centre] in comparison to the others?
Why do you think this museum / science centre is [fill in the name of the science centre] important for the city / region?

4. How is the science exhibited in this science centre/ museum relevant to you personally? Could you provide with with some examples from your everyday life where the science presented here has played a role / was of relevance to you?

5. Would you feel more confident discussing scientific issues as a result of your visit to the science centre/museum?
(Do you feel more informed about the material presented by the science centre/ museum to the point where it gives you more confidence?)

The following question may be included in cases where the opinion on more general issues related to S&T are of interest

6. In your opinion, how important is science for the development of a society? What are the main benefits and/or problems?

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(applicable only if it is not the first visit for a visitor)

Questions to past visitors with regards to long term effects (memorable experiences, changes in behaviour and participation in public events). What we are looking for are long – term changes observed between two consecutive visits (at least six months apart). By past visitors we mean recurrent visitors or visitors who have come to the museum at least twice. Potential respondents need to be asked ‘Is this your first visit?’ If the answer is no, then the second question needs to be ‘how long ago was your last visit’. In order to be recruited, at least six month should have passed between the first (or last) and the current visit.


1. Since your last visit(s) at the museum /science centre have you been more involved in S&T
policy related events (e.g. volunteer in the organization of relevant events, demonstrate)
in your city? (compare with the situation prior to the visit).

2. Since your last visit(s) at the museum / science centre, have you followed news stories
about science and technology in the media more closely?

Intellectual curiosity

3. Have your visit(s) to the museum/ science centre, prompted you to think, discuss or search
for more information about about science and technology issues?


4. What were your expectations (with regard to content, format, etc.) of this museum /
science centre [fill in the name of the science centre]?

5. What has been the most memorable experience for you as a visitor of this museum?

6. If you now compare this museum / science centre [fill in the name of the science centre] with other possible places where one could engage with science – how would you appraise this?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of this science centre /museum in your opinion [fill in the name of the science centre] compared to others you have been to? (allow respondents to express themselves freely according to their own criteria).

7. Why do you think this museum / science centre is [fill in the name of the science centre] important for the city/ region? [The following section may be included as part of the interview in cases where this type of impact is relevant.]


8. Since your last visit(s) at the museum / science centre, have you bought more products related to topics of the exhibition? (e.g. organic, biodegradable/ eco-friendly, nongenetically modified, etc).

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